Mi ddymunwn wel'd yn rhwygo

(Gweddi am weled tegwch y Gwaredwr)
Mi ddymunwn wel'd yn rhwygo
  Ho11 gymylau du y nef,
I bechadur weled gronyn
  O'i ogoniant hyfryd Ef:
    O! Dadguddia
  Imi ran o'th enw mawr.

Rhan o'th degwch a wna'n dywyll
  Ddisglaer bethau
        gwych y byd;
Īs y nefoedd a ddiflana
  Yn ngoleuni'th wyneb-pryd:
    Rai munydau,
  Rho i mi brofi'r hyn sydd fry.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [878747]:
Abbeycombe (Edward J Hopkins 1818-1901)
Bridport (J A Lloyd 1815-84)

  Iesu Iesu wyt yn ddigon
  O gwasgerwch dew gymylau
  Pwy gyf'rwydda wael bererin
  Y mae gwedd dy wyneb grasol

(Prayer to see the fairness of the Deliverer)
I would wish to see rending
  All the black clouds of heaven,
For a sinner to see a grain
  Of his delightful glory:
    O reveal
  To me a portion of his great name.

A portion of thy fairness shall make dark
  The brilliant, shining
        things of the world;
Under the heavens, which shall vanish
  In the light of thy countenance:
    Some minutes,
  Shall grant me to taste what is above.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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